General News:
Aberdeen school launches fundraiser to buy sports kits for kids
An Aberdeen primary school has launched a fundraising drive to help kids living in poverty.
Staff at Kittybrewster School hope to raise cash to open up a sports clothes store for children.
The aim is to raise enough money to help children whose parents cannot afford sports gear.
The Kitty Kids Kits initiative was dreamed up by Jo Bell, the Active Schools co-ordinator at Kittybrewster.
She hopes to provide children with trainers, shorts and other sports clothing, in an effort to ‘remove the barriers to physical activity’.
Acting head teacher Ross Watson said:
“Our Active Schools co-ordinator Jo Bell is raising money for this.
“Jo is a valued member of staff at Kittybrewster – her commitment to the school community is evident through her desire to raise funds to support children who attend the school. Kitty Kids Kits is in addition to a range of initiatives at Kittybrewster to poverty-proof and close the poverty-related attainment gap.”
Jo has set up a GoFundMe page to raise the money which has already pulled in more than £1,000 of generous donations from members of the public.
Jo said:
“Kittybrewster Primary School is creating a Kitty Kids Kits sports equipment store to remove barriers to children’s participation in physical activity and sport.
“The store will provide free trainers, T-shirts, shorts and more specific kit where necessary.
“Participation in physical activity is crucial in the development of happy and healthy young people.
“It improves health and wellbeing outcomes, teaches valuable life skills and encourages social skills.
“International research suggests that enhanced health and wellbeing contributes significantly to improved school attainment.
“Therefore, the benefits are not limited to the games hall.
“All donations will go to the school and be used to purchase Kitty Kids Kits available to any child that requires it for school or extra-curricular activities.”