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New adult gymnastics class will leave you beaming for more


Registered charity, Sport Aberdeen has launched a new kind of workout that will leave you beaming and flexing for more.

Designed to replicate the strength training undertaken by professional gymnasts using the specialist equipment available at Sport Aberdeen’s Alex Collie Gymnastics Performance Centre, the newly launched GymFit class will provide a fresh and fun way to ‘Get active’ regardless of your gymnastic ability. 

Taught by professional gymnastics coaches, the class consists of a variety of strength and conditioning exercises that focus on cardio, core and upper and lower body, leaving participants feeling fitter, healthier and one step closer to achieving that gymnast physique.

Sport Aberdeen’s Gymnastics Pathways Coordinator, Aynsley Henderson, said:

“GymFit has been designed to offer a fun way to help adults get active and pick up some new skills in the process. Taught by experienced and professional coaches, the class utilises the wide range of specialist equipment available at Alex Collie Gymnastics Performance Centre.”

Commenting on the new class, Keith Gerrard, Director of Healthy and Active Communities at Sport Aberdeen said:

“Sport Aberdeen is always looking at fresh and innovative ways to inspire people to ‘Get active’ across the city.

“We hope this new gymnastics themed fitness class will create the opportunity for people with an interest in gymnastics to learn new skills while having fun and keeping active.”

GymFit classes will take place at Sport Aberdeen’s Alex Collie Gymnastics Performance Centre on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 9.30 – 10.15am and on Friday’s from 12.15 – 12.45pm.