Cycling Without Age

Cycling Without Age Scotland (CWAS) is an intergenerational project that helps people who are isolated or have mobility issues to get outdoors. It is an exciting new project for the Aberdeen area, which aims to give people with limited mobility an opportunity to experience the joy of cycling in their later years.

Volunteers help to transform lives and combat loneliness and isolation by enabling people to enjoy the benefits of the outdoor environment through trips on Trishaws. The rides provide social interaction, enable new friendships, improve health and well-being and integrate communities. Every volunteer in the team plays a vital role.

Electrically assisted Trishaws, with two seats between their two front wheels, allow a ‘pilot’ to take two people for excursions, so the passengers can enjoy visiting local sites in an ecologically friendly way.

The project, initially coordinated by Sport Aberdeen with funding from the local NHS Health Improvement Fund, will recruit and train volunteer ‘pilots’ using guidance from Cycling Without Age Scotland.

Sport Aberdeen will provide an electrically assisted trishaw and, if required, suitable storage facilities with access to electricity. Ideally, these will be based in sheltered housing or care homes to allow easy access to the activity for residents.

Could you help?

Our first volunteer training session will take place on Saturday 19th March at Westburn Outdoor Centre (Bowling centre) at 10 am. This session will allow potential volunteers to experience the trishaw, both as a passenger and a pilot, and begin the process of qualifying to take passengers out and about.

After the training/information session, potential volunteers can to access the trishaw to practice its use. Once confident in their competence, an assessment session will be arranged to finally qualify our pilots. You can find out more about the different volunteer roles available below.

Registering Interest

If you would like to be involved and volunteer for this exciting project, please complete our short survey here.

For further information or if you have any queries, please contact Brian Harrison at

Volunteer Roles

A Pilot is a trained and experienced rider who will pilot the Trishaw when there are passengers onboard. There is a five-step training programme to complete which includes regular practice and a final sign off from the trainer.


A Co-Pilot is a rider who accompanies the pilot to assist as required with loading and unloading, checking the route ahead and generally being an extra pair of hands.


A Co-Passenger will accompany the passengers during a ride, being a friendly face and offering a helping hand. The Co-Passenger may also assist with the loading and unloading of the Trishaw.


An Administrator will be responsible for the coordination and associated admin tasks of the Chapter and checking, in association with the Chapter Captain, the policies are being followed.

In this instance, the ‘Chapter’ refers to the Trishaw which will be operated in the Aberdeen area.

Maintenance Provider/ Mechanic

The Maintenance Provider/Mechanic will carry out any required maintenance on the Trishaws. Ideally holding a qualification, the role will require a maintenance logbook to be filled out and communication with CWAS as required.

Please note – volunteers must be over 16 years old and will be expected to complete the Cycling Without Age Scotland application paperwork which includes:

  • Volunteer Application Form
  • Two references
  • A PVG check
  • Attend a short, informal interview where the expectations of the volunteer and the needs of the Chapter can be discussed