Mile End P4-5 Girls Football

Event Date:

Event Time:

Event Location:

Mile End Primary School Gym Hall

Afterschool Girls Football for Mile End P4-5.

P4-5 Girls Football will run throughout the year in the Mile End Primary School Gym Hall.  These sessions are open to female pupils in P4-5 and are delivered by parent and student volunteers.

Spaces are allocated on a first-come first served basis.  If the session becomes full please still complete the booking form as the pupil will be added to a waiting list.  If your child is added to the waiting list, please wait to receive further notification from the coordinator prior to commencement of the first session.

Day: Wednesdays

Time: 18:00 – 18:50

Venue: Mile End Primary Gym Hall

Cost: FREE

Dates: 30th August 2023 – 3rd July 2024

*Excluding 18th Oct, 25th Oct, 27th Dec, 3rd Jan, 14th Feb, 3rd April & 10th April – due to holidays and in-service* 

If you have any questions please contact Aisla Gordon on

Booking is over!

Event Location:

  • Mile End Primary School Gym Hall
  • Mid-Stocket Road
  • Aberdeen
  • AB15 5LT

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