Culter P5-P6 Netball
Event Date:
October 30, 2023
Event Time:
3:00 pm
Event Location:
Culter Primary School
There are still some spaces in our P5-P6 Culter Netball Club.
Sessions take place on Mondays after school in the gym hall and are taken by two of our amazing parent helpers! If you’d like to come along and give it a try, you can sign up. The sessions are open to all girls and boys in P5 and P6, no previous experience is required.
Day: Mondays
Times: 3.00-3.45pm
Venue: Culter Primary School gym hall
Dates: Mondays (unless it’s a school holiday or in-service day)
Cost: Free
Sessions will take place every Monday unless there is a school holiday or in-service day, or the gym hall is unavailable. For any cancelled sessions, all participants signed up will receive an email update.
If you have any question about the sessions, or wish to book once the online sign up has closed, please contact John:
Booking is over!