Sport Aberdeen offers a specifically designed, exercise and education programme to teach self-management for those living with chronic knee, and/or hip pain, due to Osteoarthritis.
Who is the programme for?

The programme is for those who are 45 or over and living with knee, and/or hip pain lasting 3 months or longer, due to Osteoarthritis.

How will the programme work?

The programme will run for 6 weeks, with 2 sessions per week. The sessions will include an education section, focusing on how to best self-manage your condition, and an exercise section, specifically designed to help your knees and hips.

What are the benefits?
  • Improvements in pain and physical/mental wellbeing
  • Increased activity levels
  • Increased confidence
  • Less reliance on medication
  • Reduced need for surgery
How do i know it’s right for me?
  • Are you living with knee, and/or hip pain lasting 3 months or longer?
  • Have you been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis?
  • Are you 45 or over?

If you answered “yes” to all 3 questions, Escape Pain may well be right for you. Please complete a referral form and a member of our team will be in touch.

How to get involved

There are two ways to get involved:

  • Any health care professional can refer into the programme using the referral form below.
  • Alternatively, you can self-refer to the programme using the form below.
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