RAM Tubulars Learn to Ski School Programme

In partnership with programme sponsors RAM Tubulars, we are delighted to be providing an exciting new Learn to Ski Programme for primary school pupils in Aberdeen, from 26 April 2023.
The programme, open to Aberdeen City local authority schools, offers 20 Primary 5 classes the opportunity to participate in a block of free skiing lessons over the next 12 months at Adventure Aberdeen Snowsports Centre in Garthdee.
Held on the beginner slope, these blocks of 3 x 2-hour skiing lessons are designed for beginners and will teach the basics of the sport. Techniques covered will include activities working towards linked snowplough turns.
Pupils will also be provided with helmets, skis and boots.
Registration for participation in this programme has now closed. For further information please contact Sarah Fraser on safraser@sportaberdeen.co.uk
With thanks to our programme sponsors: