Community Sport Inspires A New Generation of Cyclists
On Saturday 2nd November 2024, Sport Aberdeen’s Community Cycling Team, including the Rock Up & Ride & Grampian Inclusive Cycling Bothies projects, Community Sport’s Community Hubs Team, Sustrans, Adventure Aberdeen, & Love to Ride, all joined together to host a cycling festival at the Aberdeen Cycle Hub @ Seaton. The goal of the festival was to raise the profile of all of the projects that are currently operating from the Raymond Kelly Pavilion in Seaton and to provide an afternoon packed with fun cycling activities, skill-building sessions, and free bike safety checks courtesy of the Dr Bike service.

The perfect day for cycling fun
The autumn sunshine brought over 60 children to take part in learn to ride and cycle skills sessions. These were run collaboratively by Sport Aberdeen and Sustrans, who helped many young riders take their first steps toward cycling independence. Some children mastered pedalling within a short session, while others began their journey with newfound confidence.
For those who had already mastered the basics, the dual slalom course on the nearby grass provided an opportunity to build and showcase their cycling skills. Even out-of-practice parents couldn’t resist the challenge, borrowing bikes to try their hand at the course.

Inclusive and Engaging Activities for All
The Grampian Inclusive Cycling Bothies introduced their latest Bothy at the Aberdeen Cycle Hub, showcasing their adaptive bikes, including trikes and hand cycles, which proved to be a big hit.
Adventure Aberdeen’s Dr Bike service kept things running smoothly, offering free safety checks and “bike first aid” to ensure all attendees left with bikes in top condition. Inside and outside the building, the Community Sport Hubs team hosted engaging Boccia sessions and Love to Ride & Getabout provided free cycling goodies adding an extra layer of fun and activity to the day.

Looking Ahead
The overwhelmingly positive response to the event has many asking when the next cycling festival will take place. Events like this highlight the community’s enthusiasm for cycling and reinforce the importance of accessible, inclusive opportunities for everyone.
Sport Aberdeen and Sustrans continue to host learn to ride, led rides, and cycle confidence sessions at the Aberdeen Cycle Hub. For more information, contact The Grampian Inclusive Cycling Bothies also offer adaptive bike sessions—reach out to to get involved.