My Story: How Get active @ Northfield helped build my confidence
Hi, I’m Nicola, I’m 33 years old and I started going to Get active @ Northfield in July last year.
I first heard about Sport Aberdeen through working at the library and I saw it as a good opportunity to try to build my confidence and improve my fitness.
Initially, I didn’t know how to use any of the machines which had put me off going to gyms for a long time. I decided to do a 3-month personal training programme which was a great opportunity and it helped me so much.

My personal trainer (PT) Liam was a huge help for me in getting over my initial fear of being in a new environment.
I was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 22 which makes it difficult to do new things, such as being exposed to different environments and meeting new people.
Having Liam’s support as a PT has massively helped me with that. All the staff at Get active @ Northfield were incredibly friendly and welcoming. It was very encouraging to have that support.
A huge thing I have realised is important in life is accepting people’s differences. Everyone has their own strengths and things that make them unique.
I have written a children’s book highlighting this called “The Tale of Tom the Tomato.” It is all about an autistic tomato on a quest for acceptance in a neurotypical apple dominated world. It projects my feelings about not belonging in any specific group and the struggle of trying to fit in to what is deemed as “normal.”
My main objective through my fitness journey was to improve my stamina, fitness and confidence. I have previously had problems with my knees, so I wanted to build up strength there also. Liam designed a plan which was tailored to me and my fitness goals and ambitions.
I really feel like exercise is a good alternative as therapy for some people. I believe that working with a PT could be hugely beneficial for vast majorities of people who may suffer with depression or face struggles with their mental health. Exercise has been proven to help a lot with mental health and could be a really good alternative.
I would say my biggest achievement since starting to exercise regularly was the improvement I have seen with my mental health. I had been feeling down and found it incredibly difficult to do a lot of things. With Liam’s support there, I saw a massive difference. Even with small things such as attending every session and sticking with the programme was something to be proud of.
I also found myself enjoying swimming. It’s something a lot of women, including myself, can feel self-conscious about so it was a big step. However, having taken the leap I feel great for doing so.
Little things like being able to get to classes might not be a huge deal to some people but are a massive deal when you’re feeling down.

My biggest advice for anyone looking to start their fitness journey is to stick with it. When sat in your house it’s really easy to not leave. However, once you’re at a gym, it becomes a lot easier and you get such a big feeling of achievement.
Also having someone to hold you accountable can be really helpful. Ask a friend to check in with you to ensure your goals are being achieved. Having people around you with the same goal can be really encouraging also.
It’s such a difficult time of year for those who struggle with mental health. Being able to get out of the house and go to the gym whilst having those small goals can really help. Exercise can be hugely beneficial for those with varying degrees of mental health problems. Just trying to overcome that initial doubt of leaving the house can make such a difference!
If you feel inspired by Nicola’s story and want to challenge yourself in 2024, don’t miss out on our brilliant Fitness membership offer where you get February completely free! Click HERE to find out more.