General News:
ASN Stay, Play & Connect sessions help children to become more physically active
Sport Aberdeen’s Active Schools team was delighted to receive funding of £3037 in November after a successful application to the Aberdeen City Health Improvement fund to deliver its ‘Stay, Play & Connect’ programme.
The programme offers sessions across the city to help young people with neurological conditions, hearing or visual impairments to be more physically active by creating an inclusive and non-judgemental environment.

So far, 65 young people have attended throughout February across 10 different sessions, with 41 of these being first time participants.
The sessions have taken place at 8 different venues and pupils from 22 different schools have taken part from all stages of primary school, as well as some S1, S2 and S5 pupils.
Each session is delivered in a relaxed environment offering exploration through play in style with equipment set up to allow all participants to engage with it as and when they choose to do so.
More sport-specific activities are also offered including basketball and tennis and sensory and play equipment.
The sessions are for the whole family to attend so that parents and carers have the opportunity to socialise with other parents and create a community they feel a part of. Siblings can also attend, eliminating any issues around childcare.
One participant who attended said: “I would just like to say how much we have enjoyed the sessions and hope they continue to run moving forward, as there are limited classes for children with ASN across the City.”
Another person who goes to the sessions added: “We have attended many of the sessions across Aberdeen city and the staff have been absolutely brilliant with my son who has ADHD. He can be very rough and hyper! There is no judgement and they know exactly how to speak to him and guide him when he’s doing something he shouldn’t.”

A parent of one of the children who attends said: “I loved the relaxed sessions and my son enjoyed the activities also. I felt at ease knowing that my child could be himself and no-one would stare. And the icing on the cake you can bring siblings!”
Another parent said: “I am really pleased we found these sessions; my child is much happier and calmer on days we’ve attended and he looks forward to the sessions. He has taken a shine to Scott and Jamie and looks forward to seeing them each week!”