Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen recently trialled a six-week Nordic walking pilot course with a small group of six participants who already attend its Parkinson’s specific classes.

The aim of the pilot was to enable participants to learn the fundamental skills of Nordic walking, improve their leg strength and cardio vascular fitness, and improve the pattern of how they walk (gait).  

It was delivered by two Nordic walking qualified instructors who completed additional Parkinson’s training – they designed and led the course – and the poles used were supplied by Sport Aberdeen.  

The sessions lasted for 60 minutes and took place in the local Westburn and Victoria parks nearby the charity’s Get active @ Westburn venue.

The focus initially looked at technique and turns, then as the participants progressed, they took part in uphill and downhill walking, as well as more complex turns, intervals and medium-to-long duration walks using their newly acquired skills.

Each session finished with a strength circuit consisting of five exercises. These exercises were compound movements targeting all the major muscle groups.

One participant commented: “The class was small and personal, it was very enjoyable with just the right amount of instructions to gain more experience.”

Another participant said: “It has given me the confidence to attempt daily walks at home, I feel my length of stride has increased.”

Outcome measures were completed before the pilot and on week seven – results demonstrated that all participants improved their leg strength (tested by a sit to stand test in 30 seconds with repetitions).

A six-minute walk test was carried out and the group average increased by three laps – on week zero, the average group score was 49 laps, and this went up to an average of 52 laps by week seven, resulting in improved cardiovascular fitness. 

Jonathon Lurie, who co-led the pilot said: “Having set aims for each weekly session enabled the participants to learn new skills and see their progress, which led to a high level of motivation and enjoyment.”

“With two instructors present, it gave us the capacity and flexibility to tailor certain movements for participants when required.”

Feedback was gathered after the pilot through a survey, with all six participants agreeing that six weeks was a suitable duration for the course, and they would attend a weekly Nordic walking group if it was set up.

Those with an interest in Nordic walking or working with individuals who have long-term health conditions are invited to get involved as volunteers. Sport Aberdeen will offer training and support to help get a permanent Nordic walking group up and running.

To find out further information or express an interest in volunteering, please email

Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen’s impressive new health and wellbeing venue Get active @ Northfield has been officially opened by The Lord Provost of Aberdeen, Councillor David Cameron.

The opening ceremony took place on Wednesday 30 November and welcomed over 60 guests to view the venue and hear from the Lord Provost and Sport Aberdeen Chairman, Tony Dawson.

The newly refurbished £4.8m venue – funded by Aberdeen City Council and Sport Aberdeen and supported by sportscotland’s highest value grant of £100,000 – opened its doors to the public on Monday 3 October. 

It boasts a 25m swimming pool, 40-station gym and a studio offering a range of fitness classes for all ages and abilities, as well as community wellbeing space.

A thriving swimming lesson programme is in place at the venue with over 600 participants, ranging from babies to adults, and public swimming sessions are also well attended.

The excitement and buzz in the local community is evident, with one customer commenting: “The pool temperature is great and so clean, the gym is fab, and the staff have been brilliant each time we have been in.”

With over 700 new members already, it is clear that the local community of Northfield and surrounding areas are making good use of the facilities.

L-R: Lord Provost Dr David Cameron opened the new Get active @ Northfield with help from Alistair Robertson, Sport Aberdeen Managing Director and Tony Dawson, Sport Aberdeen Chairman

Dr David Cameron, Lord Provost of Aberdeen, said: “In the space of just two months, the city has embraced Get active @ Northfield.

“In providing a chance to enjoy all the fun and health benefits that sport brings, this is above all an investment in people and their wellbeing.”

Tony Dawson, Sport Aberdeen chairman, said: “It has been such a rewarding feeling to welcome the local community to their newly-renovated venue and it is great to see it being well-used so far.

“Through shared knowledge and resources from Sport Aberdeen, Aberdeen City Council and sportscotland, we are delighted to offer more opportunities for people across the city to get active and get involved in sport and physical activity.” 

Mark Cowan, Head of Facilities at sportscotland, said: “Increasing the opportunities for more people to be able to access sport and physical activity is a priority for sportscotland and projects like Get active @ Northfield have a significant role to play in improving the lives of local communities.

“Working in partnership is the key to success in delivering the right facilities in the right places to really have an impact. It’s great to see our partners, Sport Aberdeen, working with local partners and the wider community to ensure that as many people as possible from a diverse range of backgrounds will benefit and be active.”

Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen held its annual Chairman’s Awards Ceremony at Rev de Cuba in September, toasting to its employees and teams for all their hard work and commitment.

Each Employee of the Month was presented with a framed certificate from the charity’s chairman Tony Dawson, and colleagues continued the evening’s celebrations over some tapas and refreshments.      

Norma Chalmers was crowned Employee of the Year for showing compassion and helping a member of the public on her way to work at Get active @ Kincorth.

The individual had sustained noticeable injuries but was adamant he would be fine to take the bus home, however Norma persuaded him to contact a family member to take him to hospital.

She waited until said family member arrived, helping to keep the individual calm with her friendly and reassuring manner.

Another member of the public appeared and was amazed by the level of care and compassion delivered by Norma and wanted to ensure she was given recognition by her employer.  

The Team of the Year award went to the Get active @ Beach Leisure Centre team for their impressive effort to transform the former creche space into a new studio. The attractive studio space has proven popular with customers and members attending fitness classes, and every team member played a key role in the transformation.

The team from Get active @ Beach Leisure Centre with Tony Dawson

Tony Dawson, Sport Aberdeen chairman, said: “It is so important to recognise and reward staff success, and the Sport Aberdeen Annual Chairman’s Awards is a great way to do so.

“I’m impressed by all the employees and teams who received certificates on the evening, demonstrating their outstanding contribution to the core values and purpose of Sport Aberdeen.

“I must also take a moment to appreciate that every employee across the charity plays their part in helping more people in Aberdeen to get active and for this they should be proud, as I certainly am.” 

Sport Aberdeen had its outstanding commitment to the Armed Forces recognised at the 2022 Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Gold Awards.

Hosted by Highland and Lowland Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations, the prestigious event took place in the Great Hall at Stirling Castle on Thursday 3 November.

Nationally, 156 organisations received the gold award however in Scotland alone, Sport Aberdeen was one of 16 employer organisations to receive the award.

Nickie Scorgie, Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development (HR&OD) and Dean Phillips, Chair of the HR&OD Committee and Trustee Director attended the ceremony to represent Sport Aberdeen.

Guests at the event included: General Officer Scotland Major General Bill Wright, Head of the Reserves Commodore Martin Quinn, Regional Commander for Scotland and Northern Ireland (NRCSNI) Brigadier Andy Muddiman, Deputy Commander of HQ 51st Infantry Brigade Colonel Tony Phillips, and Air Officer Scotland AVM Ross Paterson.

Music was provided by Private Murray from 7SCOTS and The Royal Marines Scotland Corps of Drums.

General Wright said: “I’m delighted to have been asked to represent the Secretary of State for Defence, Ben Wallace, at the 2022 Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Awards for Scotland.

“Your willingness to allow and support your workforces to become members of the UK’s reserve forces is quite possibly the most important deciding factor for the potential Reservist. Your foresight in recognising the benefits the employer gains from the considerable number of military and specialist skills that are readily transferable to the civilian workplace and vice versa, is commendable.”

Nickie Scorgie, Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development, said: “We are exceptionally proud to have our support towards the Armed Forces Community recognised and it is an honour to receive Gold status.

“It was great to be able to compare stories and experiences with the other organisations at the event and I am delighted to now be part of a Highland Gold Network team.”  

Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen has recently strengthened its board with the appointment of three new trustee directors – Kathleen Johnston, Mary Forbes and Leigh Mair.

As an Aberdeen medical graduate, Kathleen enjoys a multi-faceted career. She is a consultant anaesthetist in NHS Grampian – her current practice is around neuro-anaesthesia and anaesthesia for trauma and orthopaedics. She is a director and trustee of the Association of Anaesthetists and has represented anaesthetists in the UK and Ireland, providing strategic direction on clinical, political and social matters.

Mary is a lawyer with over 20 years’ experience in the field of dispute resolution –most recently as senior associate at CMS Cameron McKenna. Throughout her career, she has held roles in both private and public sectors including serving as a legal officer for the British Army. She has various sporting interests including golf, tennis and CrossFit.

Leigh is passionate about the benefits of physical activity for all ages and has more than 20 years’ experience working for blue chip pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Her previous roles include strategic development, change management and improving business performance in large organisations. She has contributed to several Scottish Parliament Cross-party groups including diabetes, health inequalities and rural policy. 

Leigh currently works at InnoScot Health – in partnership with NHS Scotland – to identify, protect, develop and commercialise new innovations from healthcare professionals.

Tony Dawson, Sport Aberdeen chairman, said: “I am absolutely delighted that we have added this eclectic mix of individuals with an array of experience and knowledge to the board of directors.

“Each new trustee director brings a wealth of skills and insights from both a professional perspective and from their personal interests, which I believe will further strengthen the leadership of the charity.”

Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen seeks to help individuals who have a fear of water to overcome their worries through its new Aquaphobia programme for adults.   

The aim of the programme is to help people relax, float, and feel happy and in control when in the water, reducing any concerns they may have in a safe and careful way.      

Participants will enhance their confidence and learn the basic principles of entering, standing, floating, moving and breathing in the water through a 12-stage process.

The whole process focuses on removing and desensitising fear, with the physical mechanics of swimming coming as secondary.  

Certified Aquaphobia Coaches will lead the programme – six Sport Aberdeen swimming teachers have completed their Aquaphobia Learning Programme (ALP) training, developed by The Institute of Aquaphobia.

When an individual has completed a stage, they will progress to the next in the sequence but at a manageable pace set by the person, there is no specific timescale or pressure.

The desired outcome is that participants will feel uplifted and comfortable in the water after obtaining key swimming skills, and then be motivated to undertake swimming lessons on a more regular basis.   

The Aquaphobia sessions will run during term time on Tuesdays from 1430 to 1530 at Sport Aberdeen’s newly refurbished venue, Get active @ Northfield.

Adults who are ready to overcome their fear of water are encouraged to apply for their place on the programme here.

Following another busy golf season, we are reinvesting directly back into your courses with a programme of winter works, to further improve the overall golf experience.

Working in partnership with turf specialists the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI), our grounds maintenance contractor idverde UK and Aberdeen City Council, we will begin our winter golf course improvement works programme from Tuesday 1 November, ensuring that all four of our 18-hole golf courses are completed for the start of the new golf season in 2023.    

With a high volume of rounds played over the last year, we anticipate another busy season in next year and continue to strive to provide the best possible golfing conditions for our customers and members.

Main greens will be retained as much as possible throughout the winter period; however, this will be dictated by ground temperatures.

Course protection measures implemented from Tuesday 1 November
  • Fairway mats must be used and will be available to purchase from the golf starters boxes. Please show your fairway mat to the golf starter and use when teeing off with an iron, on the fairway and around the greens. The mats are not required from the rough.
  • Bunkers will be marked as Ground Under Repair (GUR). Please lift and drop from the bunkers at no penalty.
  • Tee boxes will be moved, and tee mats will be introduced, particularly on par-three holes.
  • Walking routes will be introduced to protect well-trodden areas and allow recovery. Please respect roped areas and walk around these as directed by on course signage.

Please note: the main greens at all 18-hole courses will be taken out of play during January and February 2023 to rest.

Outline of overall improvements works

Our strategy for the protection of tees, greens and fairways across all 18-hole golf courses is outlined below.

Tree management – Working alongside Aberdeen City Council, we have identified certain trees with canopies which may stop natural light from reaching particular greens and tee boxes.   

Lack of light during the winter is a key contributor to prolonged ice and frost coverage and stops ground temperatures from rising and root zones recovering, so management of these canopies is essential.

Bunker revetting – We will protect the integrity of key bunkers and improve the aesthetic of greenside and fairway pot bunkers for a better playing experience.

Tee levelling – We will provide a level surface for teeing off, giving more tee marker placement options to reduce wear and tear on the tees.

Course furniture improvements (bins, signage and distance markers) – We endeavour to enhance the course aesthetic and will do this by responding to regular feedback from visitors.

Routine annual winter course maintenance to greens – Brushing, light verticutting (or vertical mowing), deep aeration, top dressing and application of wetting agents and other treatments to promote the regeneration of root systems and discourage fungal disease.

Improvements at each golf course

All golf courses will have new irrigation boxes supplied and fitted with on/off taps at each hole. Each course will undergo routine management to soil and seed worn areas in preparation for the new season.

MacKenzie Championship

  • Gravel banding to aid drainage on 18th hole
  • Replace broken tee sleepers on holes 2 and 8
  • Level fairway drainage lines on holes 1, 3, 15 and 18
  • Clear storm damaged tree area and plant heather plugs at hole 15
  • Tree management programme

Hazlehead Pines

  • Tee levelling and redevelopment of pathway at hole 15
  • Replace broken tee sleepers on holes 7 and 17
  • Tree management programme
Improvements at 15th tee at Hazlehead Pines

Kings Links

  • Bunker revetting on holes 3 and 4
  • Sand replacement in all remaining bunkers
  • Replace wooden sleepers from path to tee at hole 14
  • Installation of fairway 150/100 yardage markers
Improvements at 4th fairway bunkers at Kings Links


  • Cut and lift all rough grass areas as recommended for biodiversity
  • Tee box improvements on holes 8, 9 and 11
  • Replace practice area net
  • Installation of fairway 150/100 yardage markers
Improvements at 8th tee at Balnagask
Improvements at 11th tee at Balnagask

We appreciate your patience and understanding while these works take place. We will publish photos of works as they are progressing, so keep an eye on our Golf Aberdeen Facebook page for regular updates here.  

We hope you enjoy your golf over the winter. ⛳

Aberdeen City Council’s free Summer in the City 2022 programme delivered a wide variety of activities across the city for children and young people to participate in and have fun.        

Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen was a key delivery partner, providing 8,180 sessions overall at various venues throughout the city. Some of the activities included family swimming, ice skating, sand sledging, dodgeball, tennis and much more.

Of the 8,180 sessions provided, 393 spaces were specifically allocated to Afghan and Ukrainian refugees to be supported through the programme.  

Sport Aberdeen and WeToo! further strengthened their partnership this year by ensuring an exciting programme of sport and leisure activities were made available to individuals with additional support needs.

The partnership was so successful in 2021 that Sport Aberdeen and WeToo! scooped the Team of the Year accolade at the 2022 Celebrate Aberdeen Awards on Saturday 17 September.

This year, Sport Aberdeen also established a partnership with registered local charity Cfine – it provided more than 300 packed lunches for children taking part in full day activities throughout the summer.          

Any family living in Aberdeen or child attending a city school is eligible for the Summer in the City programme, however spaces for priority families most in need, as identified by Aberdeen City Council (ACC), are allocated first.

The feedback received from Sport Aberdeen’s activities was immensely positive.

A parent commented: “My daughter highly enjoyed the week and she spoke highly of the helpers. I would definitely recommend.”

Another commented: “My daughter had so much fun, won’t stop talking about it. Her favourite part was the sand sledging and going on the bus. She said the leaders were really friendly. Thank you!”

Another said: “My son really enjoyed the week-long sports camp at Get active @ Beach Leisure Centre. I will definitely be booking him in again next summer.”

Aberdeen City Council Education Convener Councillor Martin Greig said: “This has been a great example of working together for the benefit of young people. It is clear that much more can be achieved by joining forces in offering sport and other activities to individuals and families.

“The Council and Sport Aberdeen are already cooperating well and we should continue to build on the relationship and expand our partnership approach.”

“It is great to be able to offer children and families the opportunity to take part in a variety of free activities and have lots of fun whilst doing so.

“Along with our partners Aberdeen City Council, we value the importance of positively impacting the lives of our local young people through sport and physical activity, and the positive feedback received from families demonstrates exactly this.

“We also really look forward to continuing our successful collaborative work with WeToo!”

Graeme Dale, Head of Sport and Active Communities

Phionna McInnes, CEO at WeToo! said: “We are thrilled to have our work and continued partnership with Sport Aberdeen recognised with our Team of The Year award win at this year’s Celebrate Aberdeen Awards. 

“Embedding relaxed sessions within the community to widen accessibility to as many participants as possible sits very much within the ethos and values of both WeToo! and Sport Aberdeen as we learn, grow and develop the sessions together.”

With the October holidays fast approaching, there are loads of opportunities for children, young people and families to get active through the Autumn in the City programme. Sport Aberdeen has 2,306 sessions planned for Autumn in the City – 366 of these will be relaxed sessions designed for individuals with additional support needs, working in partnership with WeToo!

Find out more on Aberdeen City Council’s website here or on Sport Aberdeen’s website here.

Registered charity Sport Aberdeen has been named as a finalist in the Diversity in Sport category of The Herald & GenAnalytics Diversity Awards.

Sponsored by sportscotland, the Diversity in Sport award recognises a business, charity, third sector organisation, sports club or organisation that has used the power of sport to drive diversity and inclusion in their community.

Glasgow Ansar, LEAP Sports – Pride Youth Games and Scottish Sports Futures have also been shortlisted as finalists in the category.

Sport Aberdeen has raised the bar locally for helping to embed diversity and inclusion practices. It has a dedicated equality, diversity and inclusion group which brings together employees from different teams to collaborate and shape the future of its culture and values.

Its entry submission focused on the impact it has made from working with and supporting key target groups, using the power of sport as a catalyst for positive change.

Kim McRobbie, Active Schools and EDI Manager, said: “This is the first time we have entered The Herald & GenAnalytics Diversity Awards, so to be shortlisted is a real honour. 

“We work hard to ensure that sport and physical activity is accessible to everyone, helping to break down barriers and create opportunities for all to fulfil their ambitions and potential.

“It is so rewarding to see first-hand the life changing impact that participation in sport and physical activity has on so many lives and we will continue our commitment to providing more opportunities and enhancing our equality, diversity and inclusion practices.  

“Well done to all the finalists – everyone should be proud of playing a key role in creating a more equal society in Scotland.”       

The winners will be announced at the glittering ceremony on Thursday 13 October at Radisson Blu Hotel in Glasgow.

Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen is delighted to receive more good news that it has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Health & Wellbeing category of The Society Awards 2022. 

Sponsored by Gary Walker Wealth Management, the Health & Wellbeing Award recognises an individual or business in Aberdeen or Aberdeenshire which has made a conscious effort to take care of the north-east both physically and mentally.

MSK Therapy Training LTD and Steve Munro Fitness are also finalists in the same category.  

Sport Aberdeen’s entry submission focused on the specialist programmes it delivers to support specific groups, including its Active Lifestyles programme for older adults living with long term health conditions, and its SPACE project designed to support care experienced young people towards brighter futures.

The charity has continued to demonstrate its commitment to getting more people across the city active – it experienced a 19.1% increase in Get active memberships in 2021/2022 compared to the previous financial year 2020/2021.

Development plans for the future include the highly anticipated Get active @ Northfield health and wellbeing facility which opened on Monday 26 September and is expected to have a real impact to the local community and surrounding areas.

Graeme Dale, Head of Sport and Active Communities, said: “Sport Aberdeen is committed to enhancing opportunities and inspiring people in the north-east to participate in sport and exercise – and reap the physical and mental health benefits that this brings.

“To be shortlisted in the Health & Wellbeing category is a real privilege and gives credit to the difference we make through our programmes.

“Congratulations to all the finalists, there are so many fantastic organisations in our region, and it is great way to showcase all the hard work that takes place.”       

The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony at The Sandman Signature Hotel in Aberdeen on Thursday 10 November.