General News:
Seriously Social About the Community – Free cycling opportunities through Rock Up and Ride
Rock Up & Ride is a Scottish Cycling funded project delivered by Sport Aberdeen’s community sport team, based out of its Aulton Cycle Hub (Raymond Kelly Pavilion) in Seaton.
Since February 2024, Sport Aberdeen – in partnership with Sustrans – has been running free public one-hour led rides on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, setting off from its cycle hub.
Typically, the rides will go along the beach front and around the local Seaton Park, both picturesque areas close to the cycle hub. Bikes and helmets can be provided for those who require, helping to break down barriers so that participants don’t require their own their own bike to come along.
A strong focus of the project has been on engaging with participants from some of the most deprived areas including Northfield and St Machar.
The project supports The Scottish Government’s 2030 Active Travel Vision – where walking, wheeling and cycling will be the most popular mode of transport for shorter everyday journeys.
The demand for the led rides was initiated through speaking to partners and local community groups, understanding that many people do not feel confident or safe cycling on the roads.

The sessions are designed to be delivered in a relaxed and sociable environment, aiming to provide an accessible pathway to recreational cycling, or simply capitalising on the various health benefits of cycling outdoors.
Everyone is welcome to join the rides, as they are paced to match the speed of the least confident rider, and enquiries are also encouraged from those wishing to learn to ride and then progress onto the group led rides.
The project’s emphasis is on building confidence for cycling and enjoying the benefits of gentle outdoor exercise in a social group.
Since launching in February 2024, there have been:
- 28 led rides with 76 participants (38 distinct participants)
- 3 adult cycle confidence sessions delivered with 6 participants (3 distinct participants)
- 8 adult learn to ride sessions with 10 participants (2 distinct participants)
- 4 family sessions during school holidays – Family Learning families through Aberdeen City Council with 36 participants (19 distinct participants), from these 3 Mum’s have become regular Thursday morning led ride attendees.
- 6 cycle safety sessions for New Scots, with 52 distinct participants
Due to demand, bespoke rides have also been organised for mental health groups, menopause groups and for youth work during summer activity groups.
Partnership working has been key to the success of the project, with strong links established with Aberdeen City Council’s Family Learning Department, Community and Learning Development via the Healthy Minds project, and Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP)’s Wellbeing Coordinators and their Mighty Oaks Menopause support group.
Asylum & Refugee Care (AARC) and Grampian Regional Equality Council (GREC) through their language café have helped to promote the work of the project to New Scots and those new to the city, whilst Fersands and Fountain Community Project has linked in local youths to the project.

During the Easter and Summer school holidays, the community sport team as part of the Rock Up & Ride project worked in partnership with Aberdeen City Council’s Family Learning department, at Bramble Brae Primary School and Aulton Cycle Hub, to provide children’s Learn to Ride sessions, as well as covering how to ride safely as a family.
Feedback overall has been hugely positive.
Charlotte (parent) said: “Thursdays I have my wee bike ride and that’s for me.”
Another participant Patty said: “I joined rock up and ride on Thursday mornings with other mums. I haven’t been on bike in years but it never took me long to get back into it, it was a nice cycle along the beach and longer one to Seaton park but I managed. We all got on and had a nice laugh and took some lovely photos of cycling.”
A parent Suzy said: “I didn’t think I’d be able to do it but, it’s amazing you don’t forget. My new goal is this time next year to have both my kids riding like this with me.”
To ensure the project’s longevity, Sport Aberdeen will look to secure further funding in the future to deliver more Rock Up & Ride cycling sessions in more areas of the city to broaden the project’s impact.
In addition, the community sport team are adaptable and will offer sessions upon request – examples of this have included Learn to Ride and adult on-road cycle confidence sessions. Sport Aberdeen hopes to deliver more of these going forward.
To ensure the project’s sustainability, Sport Aberdeen actively promotes recruitment for volunteers who wish to become ride leaders, or volunteers to assist with bike maintenance with full training provided.