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Sport Aberdeen’s Active Schools team launches trial Primary School captain’s project!
Sport Aberdeen’s Active Schools team has started a trial project where Primary School pupils are chosen as sports captains to help as many of their fellow pupils to get active as possible.

The project, which is based in both the Northfield and Hazlehead Associated School Groups (ASGs), has seen several pupils from each Primary selected for the trial.
Active Schools Coordinators worked with the selected children at an event on Monday 11th March to discuss ideas, make new friends, learn new skills and inspire them to engage their schools in sport and physical activity.
A number of the children involved already take part in similar extracurricular activities including representing pupils voices, organising notice boards for clubs/events, supporting activities for younger pupils, promoting events at assemblies, providing reminders for new sports clubs, encouraging participation and celebrating successes.
Going forward, Active School Co-ordinators hope to work closely with the sports captains to enable them to become “in school” representatives. In doing so, the pupils involved will gain a lot of valuable experience before hopefully going on to become Young Leaders or Youth Ambassadors when they reach Academy stage.

Stacey Stuart, Active Schools Co-ordinator for Northfield ASG who helped organise the project, said: “It was amazing to see how passionate and motivated our Primary sports captains were at our combined ASG event.
“The ideas and discussions they had were really encouraging and we are really looking forward to working with them both as a group and individually in their schools as they develop their roles. They all did themselves and their schools proud!”