Stand Up to Falls

Stand Up to Falls

Did you know that from age 30, our muscles can lose up to 8% of their strength each decade? This can make daily activities more difficult and increase the risk of having a fall.

The truth is our risk of falls decreases with one simple thing; Exercise!

If you or someone you know is at risk of or experiencing falls, take a look at our useful links and tips.

Top Tips for Preventing Falls!
Stand Up To Falls

Stand Up To Falls is collaborative project between volunteer Falls Ambassadors, Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership, NHS Grampian and Sport Aberdeen.

Stand Up To Falls Session Dates

Aberdeen City Vaccination Centre, Bon Accord Centre, George Street Aberdeen –

Tuesdays 1 – 3pm weekly from 17th September – 3rd December

Thursdays 9:30am – 12noon weekly from 19th September – 5th December

Stand Up To Falls will also be at The Grampian Gathering on Sunday 12th October at Aberdeen Beach Ballroom.

Falls Support

If you are concerned about falls you should contact your GP or if would like input from an occupational therapist or physiotherapist, you can self-refer to the NHS Community Adult Assessment & Rehabilitation Service by calling 01224 558399

Super 6 Exercises

Practising simple movements can be a great way to improve different aspects of balance and strength.

The super-6 exercises are a great way to maintain and build your strength and balance.  These are easy to do at home and all you need is a sturdy surface and sensible footwear.

Follow this video from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Additional Resources
Sport Aberdeen Active Lifestyles Programme

We have a range of exercise classes that can help develop strength and balance at three different levels, to ensure that everyone has a chance to get active.

First Steps is an introductory activity session aimed at older adults who are looking to take the ‘first step’ to become more active. The session begins with some exercises designed to help with strength and balance, many of which can be done seated and finishes with a short, social walk. For more information, click here.

Stable & Able is a specialist class for those who are at risk of falling.  Classes help individuals develop their strength, balance and posture. For more information and to self-refer, click here.

Steady Steps is a circuit style class for anyone looking to develop balance, coordination, strength and cardiovascular fitness. It provides a great way to maintain your fitness and keep doing all the things you enjoy.

To view the class timetable, click here.

For more information contact the team directly on 01224 507701 or email

Falls Fighter

RoSPA have developed a Falls Prevention Hub to help older people avoid falls, stay safe, prevent injury and remain independent.  The link below will take you to their webpage which is full of advice to reduce the chance of falling at home.  You’ll find videos, checklists and practical tips.

RoSPA Falls Fighter Hub

NHS Inform

NHS Inform offers a wider range of information on how to reduce your risk of falling at home and what to do if you have a fall. You can visit the website here.

Conquer Your Fear of Falling

An information booklet has been produced by NHS Grampian Community Adult Assessment and Rehabilitation Service. It is ideal for anyone who has a fear of falling which may be preventing them from doing the things they enjoy. It is packed full of useful tips and techniques and can be accessed here.

Walk Like a Penguin

Worried about winter falls? Walking outdoors when it’s icy, snowy, wet or slippery can be daunting.  However, we can learn a lot from penguins about how to walk on icy surfaces, so when there’s ice below, take it slow – this waddle really works!

To walk like a penguin, it’s important to walk flat footed and bend slightly, keeping your centre of gravity over your feet if you can. You can also take shorter steps and point your feet out, making sure your hands are by your sides and out of pockets, focusing on your balance. To learn more about walk like a penguin, click here.

Becoming a Volunteer Falls Ambassador

Falls Ambassadors are a vital part of the Stand Up To Falls Team, helping with our falls awareness sessions in the community.  Falls Ambassadors will;

  • Enjoy meeting new people
  • Have a positive and empathetic attitude
  • Be happy speaking to people and sharing falls prevention advice
  • Be available 4-6 times per year to volunteer

If you are interested or you would like to find out more, please contact or 01224 047926

For more information contact the team directly on 01224 507701 or email

If you are concerned about falls, you should contact your GP or if you would like input from an occupational therapist or physiotherapist, you can self-refer to the NHS Community Adult Assessment and Rehabilitation service by calling 01224 558399

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